4Brick Walls

Project Overview

In this project, our client, Wanted Design, enlisted MHS for the construction of four curved walls as part of their temporary installation featuring new furniture designs. The client approached us with full-color architectural plans, elevations and 3D mock-ups, so it was our job to verify dimensions of the space, calculate material and translate their plans into the physical space. This was a first for MHS, but we always welcome a challenge.

The team assembled on-site in the chilly April morning, ready to go for when the client arrived. Parking is always an issue in Manhattan, therefore deliveries and pick-ups need to be strategically planned. The team worked quickly to transfer the brick and other materials from the truck into the workspace.

Once on-site, Mike prepared a 1:1 scale, hand-drawn, grid to allow us to accurately translate the design into a template for the bricklayers. Raquel helped lay the first layer of bricks in the curved pattern that matched our client’s design. After the set-up was complete, the walls took about a day and half to complete.

Raquel R Vega

Technical Designer and Planner with MHS since 2017.


Ranch Rehab


Tudor Revival